(Monte Irvin Orange Park - East Orange, NJ, Fall 2019)
"In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof... ...there is no death..." - Proverbs 12:28
"If you want to 'get to heaven,' you have to relate to those... who are trying, to get there (or that, which is aligned... with that process)... because the path (partially spacetime-based) there begins, from the moment... we enter, 'this' world..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition, from mediocre minds..." - Albert Einstein
"A genuinely, spiritually discerning person... will typically be opposed, to those who do not embrace... the Holy Spirit..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(11:06 AM, on 10/6/23)
...a dude on 'his' phone, like me ('here')...
When I viewed this video, I thought to myself 'I have never seen shit like this, before'... ...regarding a card-based safe, inside a Range Rover... (6:24 AM, on 10/10/23)
I didn't know, that some people treat their Range Rovers... as extensions, of 'the bank'...
(1-2-3-4 seems 'quite simple,' for that amount of money - arguably, at least '$8,000' - 4 stacks)
(a cellular snapshot, of a 'Biblical Billionaire Conference'... being advertised, to me)
My immediate impression, was that this is about 'people who talk about the bible... who are wealthy'...
(how do I capitalize, on this line of thinking)
Matthew 19:24

1. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/michael.izuchukwu.125/)
2. SETI Institute
3. www.pods92.blogspot.com
4. About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)
Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:
How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'URL address (www...)'... to interact with the posted 'URL addresses,' cellularly]
November 23, 2021
CONTEMPLATIONS (of the Prince, of Darkness):
I think the triple jump event, is about having a 'great vector'... ...aside from speed, technique, impulse and power-weight ratio...
...For instance, at the 2023 World Championships.... in Budapest, Hungary... 18-year-old Jaydon Hibbert (of Jamaica) triple jumped 17.70 meters, and advanced to the finals... ...but, I think he has his eyes... on the grander picture, and instinctively understands... this principle... One needs a certain momentum, to have a 'better ship'... in this event... ...and his 17.70-meter performance, was better than the distance that won (17.64 meters, by Hugues Zango... of 'Burkina Faso,' a country... in West Africa)...
NOTE #1:
I suspect that Jaydon advanced to the finals, but did not seek to jump again... unless someone beat his distance, from the preliminaries... Nevertheless, the preliminary distance... likely did not 'carry over'...
NOTE #2:
The world record in the event, is 18.29 meters... held by Jonathan Edwards (of Great Britain), who set such... at age 29...
Two Steps from Hell - Rebirth & Kenny Harrison - Men's Triple Jump - 1996 Olympic Games by Michael Izuchukwu
[the 'above video' shows Jonathan Edwards' loss, to Kenny Harrison... at the 1996 Olympics, in Atlanta, Georgia... In the video, Jonathan Edwards' weight was mentioned as 154 pounds... and his height, as 'just under' 6'0" (0:35-0:47)... ...which makes sense, when jumping... extreme distances, in this event (in the sense, of 'less mass'... to propel]
NOTE #4:
A Google search of Jonathan Edwards, shows his weight listed as 157 pounds... but I had formerly mentioned, on a 'weight tracking' blog of mine... that a few years ago or so (perhaps in 2018), I recollect having done a Google search... and seeing his weight listed as '154' pounds... prior to the update. I assumed, that when he set the world record at 60'0.25" (18.29 meters)... in 1995... that was his weight...
NOTE #5:
(on this blog, there is reference to the aforementioned observation... ...below post #35)
5:30 PM (10/11/23):
When I watched the following video of Giannis Antetokounmpo (NBA player), about to do a 'free throw' shot... the vibe I got, was that the video was rendered in such a way... as to showcase, his height... ...as a means, of advocating... for 'his vector'... in the context, of 'other variables'...
As of the time of this post, 'he' is 28 years old... and 6'11"...
5:08 PM (10/11/23):
In this video (specifically, 2:41-3:14), Dr. Vivek Murthy attests that there is a link between social media usage... and dampened relations, with one's social network (immediate family, friends, and so on)...
"...being lonely is not about how many people you have around you; it's about the quality... of those connections..." - Dr. Vivek Murthy
4:35 PM (10/11/23):
Sometimes, a person that seems calm, cool and collected... is only that way (on the surface), because he/she has endured... a series of trials and tribulations, which had to be overcome... It's also plausible, that he/she may be that way... because he/she is concurrently (simultaneously) in opposition... to a dragon, beneath the surface (and is masking the effects, of such adversity)...
1:40 PM (10/11/23):
FORMER THOUGHTS, OF MINE (that relate to the concept, of 'a vector'):
[The idea of living in a mansion… is enticing, to some people… …because a person could be in his/her bedroom, and due to the size of his/her home… …may feel like he/she took the train, to a different town… by the time, he/she reaches… his/her garage…
The above thought, was also paralleled with the notion… that when one eats certain foods, one may feel… like one has traveled… …Perhaps someone might eat egg rolls or spring rolls, to feel like he/she is in Asia… or eat hotdogs and Philly cheesesteak, to feel like… one is in America…]
1:35 PM (10/11/23):
I started thinking to myself, a few minutes ago... that each human being is like a vector (with magnitude and direction), and the strength of such... often determines one's trajectory, in life...
12:46 PM (10/11/23):
Shortly after arriving at Seton Hall's Walsh library, the idea occurred to me... that sometimes life-based success, is about 'relativity'... ...or in a sense, how one relates to oneself... as well, as others... regarding various arenas/sectors/undertakings...
When I viewed this recommended video (a car tour, of a city), about an hour or so... ago... I concluded, that the manner in which one reads, writes and speaks his/her native language... profoundly impacts, the manner... in which, one processes... his/her world...
NOTE #1:
The 'above video title,' via 'Google Translate (given that my knowledge of Japanese, is negligible)'... is:
Must-see for immigrants to the United States: 5 good and bad points of Houston, Texas [Drive video]
NOTE #2:
“Words are the means to meaning, and for those who will listen... …the enunciation, of truth…” – V (of ‘V for Vendetta’)
At the end of the day, words are comprised of letters... which have meaning, when strung... together... Letters are the basis of words, and words are the basis of verbal/spoken languages...
One could also think of shapes, as the basis... of letters...
(shapes >>> letters >>> words >>> languages)
NOTE #3:
Mathematics, is the universal language... and is likely, the common denominator... between the human species/Homo Sapiens, and any extraterrestrial species... that is familiar with culture, psychology and/or technology...
(I'm pretty sure, that advanced extraterrestrials... have 'their way' of counting)
10:25 AM (10/11/23):
Interesting article... Apparently, getting a perfect score on the AP computer science exam... is 'exceptionally difficult' - only 91 students achieved this, worldwide... this year
In terms of 'further education,' an interest of mine is the master of arts in 'applied behavior analysis' program... at Seton Hall University... Nevertheless, I have entertained the fact... that my present familial circumstances/dynamics... may be at odds, with this ideal...
[all the classes are 'in the evening,' and ideally... I would have an 'alive dad,' who could foot the bill... for the program (I have yet to make inquiry, about that)... He had attested to being the CEO, of '2' companies - see posts 37-42 -
voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit]
NOTE #1:
At 0:29-0:35 of the 'above video,' the featured female... seems like a doppelganger, of Sarafina El-Badry...
NOTE #2:
6:04 AM (10/11/23):
At 2:34-2:51 in this video, a child says she feels 'sad' when she encounters words... that she does not know, as though being approached... by 'a stranger'...
NOTE #1:
Learning how to read, is critical... for optimizing one's potential, in one's native country (there are many language-based worlds, on planet Earth)
NOTE #2:
(RVMS consisted of the 6th, 7th & 8th grade... so in the 2002-2003 school year, I had to defeat all the 8th graders... as a 7th grader... ...there was a chance I could have done that, as a 6th grader... but I misspelled the word 'February' in Ms. Salazar's 'language arts class,' because I was 'careless'... - I left off the first 'r')
...when I was defeated in the 6th grade, I guess something was 'brewing'... ...and I won, the following year... ('bru' >>> 'brew')
...in the 5th grade, I misspelled the word 'succotash'... by switching the 'a' and 'o' around... Sarah Frueh had won, that year... and I was 2nd (at Chesterfield Elementary)
NOTE #3:
Learning delays, are characteristic... of people, with intellectual ailments (such as autism spectrum disorder)...
NOTE #4:
(this 'present role' of mine, entered a research-oriented phase... towards the end, of May 2023)
NOTE #5:
Interestingly, I don't have any student loans... regarding my time at Rice University, and Eastern Virginia Medical School (although, 'some'... from Seton Hall University')
NOTE #6:
I think if my dad were 'still alive,' and he found out that Bola Tinubu (Nigeria's current president) went to college... at Chicago State University... that he would be thinking to himself, how this doppelganger of me... become president, of my 'home country'... ...while having once, been living next door... in the Midwest?
NOTE #7:
5:11 PM (10/10/23):
23 days remaining, as a 33-year-old... 23 days left to ascend, in that context...
5:50 PM (10/10/23):
...if not 33, I'll probably have to stick around till I'm at least 300... to pick up, on 'Enoch frequency'... ...given that God whisked Enoch away to heaven, when he was 365 years old...
NOTE #1:
“Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more… because God took him…” - Genesis 5:23-24
NOTE #2:
The 'above' just goes to show, how there is a difference... between getting to heaven, via supernatural and natural means... ...just as there is a distinction, between being pure-hearted... as opposed, to just 'good'...
Interesting video, about the present conflict... regarding the Israel-Gaza war... I initially thought Gaza (a city in Palestine), was 'Giza'... a city, in Egypt... ...but the two cities, are actually different... Israel, also happens to be the birthplace... of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in the 'town' of Bethlehem, in Jerusalem, Israel...
1:35 PM (10/10/23):
The video narration, regarding the Israel-Gaza war... reminded me of the TV series '24,' which I used to watch... routinely (regarding the professionalism, of the 'informants')...
7:10 AM (10/10/23):
(snapshot of my laptop's Recycle Bin, as of 6:58 AM... on 10/10/23)
When I watched this recommended, female triple jumping video... I immediately concluded... that the fact that she (Ana Peleteiro) was not properly captured on camera, is poorly reflective... of either the sport (or the camera crew)...
8:22 PM (10/9/23):
Footage of Eliud Kipchoge, sprinting out of a chamber... to reclaim, his reign... 'in the aftermath of his marathon world record, from 9/25/22... being broken'...
8:11 PM (10/9/23):
Interesting video, of a female (Ellen Everett)... talking about how time, does not wait... on humans...
2:30 PM (10/10/23):
(Papa John's pizza receipt, regarding my purchase... at 4:54 PM, on 10/9/23)
6:34 PM (10/9/23):
(a photo of me, inside Papa John's Pizza... of East Orange, NJ... at 5:00 PM, on 10/9/23)
While in University City, MO (in the summer of 2020), I infrequently got pizza from Domino's... and that was the establishment, I had initially thought... would be, at this location...
Examination of a medium-sized box, of Papa John's pepperoni pizza... at 5:03 PM, on 10/9/23), 1 of 2
Examination of a medium-sized box, of Papa John's pepperoni pizza... at 5:03 PM, on 10/9/23), 2 of 2
Standing outside Papa John's, at 5:09 PM... on 10/9/23... (1 of 2)
Standing outside Papa John's, at 5:10 PM... on 10/9/23... (2 of 2)
There were 8 slices in the medium-sized box, which was $12 before tax (as opposed to the small-sized one, which would have been $11 before tax)... I ate 2 medium-sized slices, of the pepperoni pizza... and then saved the rest, to be 'leftovers'... ...in the context, of my dominion having a habit... of serving an insufficient amount (or underwhelming quality) of food (as was done, today)...
3:08 PM (10/9/23):
Moments ago, I was just thinking to myself... that the things which are 'not of this world'... take precedence, to those... which are... ...regarding those, which are of a 'spiritual nature'...
I didn't know who this dude was, but apparently... he could not take his material (worldly) wealth, with him (to the spirit realm)... ...and he must have figured this out (due to the article's title)... ...giving credence, to my 'above revelation'...
1:52 PM (10/9/23):
Interesting article, regarding Claudia Goldin winning the Nobel Prize... in Economics... ...along with the recipients, in the other categories...
Of all the Nobel categories and their corresponding award descriptions, I was most intrigued... by the one, for Physics...
1:43 PM (10/9/23):
"...everyone is running their own race, in their own time..." - Wise Man
12:03 PM (10/9/23):
(a dude reading the book 'The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,' by John C. Maxwell... as of 11:56 AM, on 10/9/23)
I have not read a book (account-based) in a long time, although I have done much reading... via writing...
(at the South Orange train station, at 11:53 AM... on 10/9/23, after having been at Seton Hall University's Walsh library... for a while)
5:51 AM (10/9/23):
Very interesting article, regarding how there likely is extraterrestrial life... throughout the cosmos, in terms of 'microbial life'... ...at the very least. Germs are on every planet, to my understanding... ...so this makes sense...
9:14 PM (10/8/23):
I noted how the last time I went to the NJ Gourmet buffet, was on 9/28/23... when I had gotten '2 egg rolls,' as is customary... Nevertheless, I also noted how between 8/22/22 and 9/28/23... I had 41 egg roll entries, in a gallery that I created (photos of 1 or 2, that were purchased per visit... were alternative)... Arguably, this is the window of time... that was required, to conquer them...
I also noted how it will have been 15 months (in 3 days), since I filmed... the following video (this notion occurred to me, after returning from ShopRite... where I purchased, a Pringles can... with content, that I fully consumed)... To me, the number 153 is significant... in terms, of the bible...
9:09 PM (10/8/23):
Asian dude who is 31, with a 27-year-old wife... and saying how, he is in retirement...
Very impressive achievement by Kenya's Kelvin Kiptum... He broke the marathon world record, by 34 seconds... with a time of 2:00:35... Such formerly was held, by Eliud Kipchoge...
NOTE #1:
(former marathon world record - 2:01:09)
NOTE #2:
...Regarding 2:34-2:43 of this video, when the announcer said 'he's about to turn onto Roosevelt,' I felt as though she was likening Kelvin to 'a vehicle'... and was indirectly referencing 'the Roosevelt hotel,' where many migrants... are staying...
6:47 PM (10/8/23):
Dogs watching the tragedy, of Mufasa:
2:46-3:07, was deep... ...as of 2:59 (such showcased Mufasa's perception, of 'their relationship')
4:40 PM (10/8/23):
'Arguably,' Chantel Jeffries & Sasha Iraniha are doppelgangers... I detected this additional pairing, around 4:35 PM... on 10/8/23...
2:32 PM (10/8/23):
I was just thinking about the nature, of asymptotic aging... or the less aggressive counterpart, of 'general aging delayal'... ...or the less practical measure, of aging reversal... Regarding 'aging reversal,' I postulated 'how much would you pay, to be a year younger biologically'... in relation, to 10 years younger biologically (in the context, of biological age having 'an equivalency'... to chronological age)...?
Your answer, sheds light... on your perception, of the relationship... of time, and money (the former cannot be recaptured, while the latter... can be)...
RECAP (from www.jesuswent.blogspot.com) :
7:58 PM (7/12/22): "...I would add that aside from biological age (how one physiologically 'appears and feels') and chronological age (how long one has been on Earth), there is 'spacetime age (based off 'physiological efficiency,' and specific for each individual... given that in the timeline of a human life, he/she may be aging differently... year by year, due to his/her genetics/hereditary traits, rate of sedentariness, and nature and nurture)'...
2:16 PM (10/8/23):
Extraterrestrials (space aliens) are out there; the question is not if... but where...
(in terms of probability/statistics)
12:08 PM (10/8/23):
Moments ago, I started thinking about the bible story of Enoch... and how he was whisked away to heaven, at the age of 365... From a scientific sense, the implication of this... is that by some means, he defied spacetime... Thus, for those who are abiding by the Holy Spirit (a human's link to God)... it is plausible (and 'logical') to think, that regarding 'spacetime'... if one defies time long enough, then one will eventually begin... to defy space... (in the context of the spacetime continuum, attesting that space and time... are merged together)
(scene from the 2006 movie 'The Illusionist,' which was the site of a tree and a magician... who both dematerialized/vanished)
11:08 AM (10/8/23):
A leftover burger patty, bread slices & half an onion (that was improvised)... from 10:31 AM, on 10/8/23
9:10 AM (10/8/23):
"In the 2010 movie 'Inception,' the character Mal (arguably, a psychotic brunette) said '...pain... is in the mind...' ...I would attest, that in the context of asymptotic aging... ...the perception of time's passage, is something... rooted in the mind, as well..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Perhaps the memory of oneself, at a certain point in spacetime (consisting of 3 spatial dimensions - length, width and height/depth... plus the temporal dimension, of time)... and one's relations to such, is what accounts... for 'the rate,' at which one deviates (in terms of 'physiological progression')..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 9:39 AM... on 10/8/23
[in the context of the above, maybe someone might say 'I forgot who I was, 7 days ago'... (in terms of one's status, at a certain point... in spacetime... ...at a certain time, of day)]
Where were you 7 days ago, at 3 o'clock...? (sample question)
"Time is relative, to the observer..." - Albert Einstein
Michael Izuchukwu's retort:
"Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
...Denis Vashurin turns 36 years old, on 10/27/23... but arguably, still looks 13 years old (perhaps '1-2' months older, than when the above video... was filmed)...
NOTE #2:
It's my understanding, that there is a link... between metabolic processes, muscular memory and physiological changes...
6:30 AM (10/8/23):
"Today marks 3 years since my dad's death, on 10/8/20... Time flies, but I surmise he is waiting line for Judgment Day ('in Purgatory')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
“Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…” – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
6:32 AM (10/8/23):
Interesting video, of a young... Asian surgeon... drinking what appears to be non-alcoholic beer... To this date, I have never drank beer ('or any alcoholic beverage')... but I am wondering about the precise nature, of 'non-alcoholic' beer (which seems like a metaphor for alcohol that is non-alcoholic...
12:58 AM (10/7/23):
"It was moments ago, that I began thinking about the implications... of 'the spirit (in the context, of the Holy Spirit)'... I personally believe, that that which is spiritual... has high intrinsic value, and is highly meaningful... One might ask oneself, what are the things... which are most meaningful..." - Michael Izuchukwu
'V,' from the 'V for Vendetta' movie... once said (in short), 'Words are the means, to meaning...' ...This notion, gave me the idea... that there is such a thing, as being patriotic... about one's native language, assuming one has distinguished oneself... via, one's education...
(Me standing outside Seton Hall University's Walsh library, at 11:39 AM... on 10/6/23)
NOTE #1:
As I was passing through the entrance gates to Seton Hall University, I saw a doppelganger of Melodie Yashar (a space architect)... walk past me... ...although, she happened to be her Caucasian counterpart/version (and presumably, was a student)...
At times, snapping a photo of doppelgangers... is not convenient... ...although, I surmise my tally of those I have seen... since 4/24/22... is in excess of 40 (I have yet, to add them up... although I was at 23, the last time I did a check)
How to build for human life, on Mars - Melodie Yashar, TED
2:46 PM (10/6/23):
NOTE #2:
Interestingly, I caught the 1:25 PM train... back to East Orange, NJ... and outside the South Orange train station, I saw another doppelganger of Melodie Yashar (the Latina/Hispanic counterpart/version), advertising a 'CARE' organization... at a booth (with a young, African American fellow)
NOTE #3:
The sighting of 2 doppelgangers of Melodie Yashar (both not photographed), within that short time window... ...makes me believe, that 'they' were deployed (from an unknown source)
3:07 PM (10/6/23):
To me, Melodie Yashar seems 'ethnically ambiguous'... but arguably, could be perceived as Middle Eastern/'Arabic' (in terms of phenotype/external appearance... regarding the 'above TED talk')...
(video thumbnail/display photo... of the 'above video')
...regarding this thumbnail, the interviewer has the vibe of 'do you remember, what you were told'... and hers is like 'let me see, if I can remember... my lines'...
Arguably, this is an Asian counterpart/version of Melodie Yashar... ...vibe-wise, and 'accent-wise'...
12:35 PM, on 10/8/23
NOTE #2:
Strangely, the dude interviewing the woman... in the above video, seems like a taller... African American counterpart/version... of Louis Chen (5:00-5:22), my best friend of my time... at Rice University (2008-2010)...
NOTE #3:
The Middle East is on the 'continent' of Asia, so 'Asian (as in 'Asia Asian')' is just a more specific/homogeneous type... of Asian... (there are 7 continents, in total - North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia)
(Me doing a video call, with a 'nurse practitioner'... at 9:55 AM, today... She sought to attain a status report, on progress I am making... regarding my status quo/present circumstances, in relation... to my life ambitions)
NOTE #1:
NOTE #2:
Above, 'she' has the vibe of 'what did you eat for breakfast?'
...to which, I theoretically would say 'the food here, is inadequate'...
12:43 PM (10/6/23):
Interesting video, of an African American... male teacher... having an altercation, with a Caucasian... female, student... Perhaps, such is satirical...
8:15 AM (10/6/23):
"I was just thinking to myself, how much math did the human species... ...collectively, have to understand... to land rovers, on Mars... ...in relation, to what which is required... for one of them, reaching another galaxy (Andromeda, for instance)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Probes have been sent into the depths of space, but rovers... are more selective/filtered, regarding destinations...
(cellular snapshot from Facebook, as of 2:19 PM... on 10/5/23)
3:21 PM (10/5/23):
If you're not with Jesus (God the Son), you're going to need to consult the bible ('the Word of God')... via the lens, of the Holy Spirit...
There are unconventional matters, in which calling upon God... is not only logical, but beneficial (in terms of an investment, in well-being... and/or security)...
"The theory of relativity, in simple (layman) terms... is about your relations, or that... which you are relating to..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(photo of my roommate, rummaging through some groceries... that were delivered by his mom... ...at 2:30 PM, on 10/5/23... My dad used to drive up to ALDI's a lot, whenever we went shopping... ...while I cohabitated with him, at my former apartment... in University City, MO... from 3/21/20 to 10/25/20)
(a photo of my roommate, eating grapes & peanuts... at 4:41 PM, on 10/5/23)
Interesting choice... of snack
(I could have bought a lot of food, with $191.91 - 'see above' - ...or 'some travels')
11:42 AM (10/5/23):
At Seton Hall University's Walsh library, as of 11:31 AM... on 10/5/23...
Yesterday, I had gone to Best Buy... in Vauxhall, NJ, as a means of rectifying some issues... with my Microsoft laptop, regarding the inability... to open links, to advertised articles (news and miscellaneous)... I had to stand for about 3 hours, given I did not schedule an appointment... ...but the issue, cost me $191.91 (membership, with repair included - I only intend on having such, for 1 year... so I will have to remember to cancel, before the renewal)... to get addressed (a 'factory reset,' was suggested... as the solution). Consequently, I am more inclined... to use desktop computers, for 'work and business-related' purposes... ...due to the hassle created, when I have too much material on my laptop (which requires, 'backing up')
My weight, as of 7:00 AM... today... Apparently, this mechanical scale... attests that I am presently 228 pounds...
Lee - Full Album Lofi Type Beat:
(a photo of me, heading to McDonald's... in Orange, NJ... at 7:25 PM, on 10/2/23)
(0:23-0:38), 10:30 AM, 10/3/23
2:58 PM (10/3/23):
(cellular snapshot, from 1:52 PM... on 10/3/23)
"I would have to be moving like I am in the military and the Olympics, at the same time... ...to relate, to your present degree... of seriousness..." - Running Man
3:28 PM (10/3/23):
In this video, when Lisa Randall says 'experience (in the context, of dimensions)'... my immediate impression, was that she was advocating on behalf of 'witches'... who seek, to transcend... their 3-D limitations...
I misheard her say 'explore,' when she said 'experience'... I assume that genuinely experiencing a higher dimension, implies that one is 'exploring' such...
(for instance, Bob is 3-dimensional... and he is saying that he has experienced, the 58th dimension)
12:29 PM (10/3/23):
Are Mexico’s Alien Mummies Real? Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs In | Watch (msn.com) (3:19-3:42)
In this video, Neil deGrasse Tyson... appeared on the 'The Late Show, with Stephen Colbert'... and I would argue, that it's plausible... that the origin stories of 'humanoid extraterrestrials (including that of humans/Homo Sapiens)' could be different, but that doesn't imply... that God the Father... did not create some extraterrestrials, that are in his likeness (aside from humans), but potentially... with a different culture, and psychology (and variable anatomy)...
10:06 AM (10/3/23):
Christian Taylor's 🇺🇸 Olympic Highlights | Athlete Highlights - YouTube
Yesterday, when I was returning from 7-Eleven... after having purchased a sugar cookie, I had been thinking about the triple jump event. I had entertained the scenario, where an 'old Asian man'... had been walking slowly, up a mountain... and saying, 'Michael Izuchukwu was training for 5 years, in the wilderness... ...in pursuit, of the '61'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
'61,' regarding feet... given that the present triple jump world record, is 60'0.25"...
NOTE #2:
voldy40 (u/voldy40) - Reddit
NOTE #3:
Yesterday (10/2/23), I was 230.0 pounds... but I probably would have to lose '51' pounds (be '179 lbs.'), to triple jump as rhythmically... as Christian Taylor, in 'the above' video... ...assuming, a number of variables... were met...
9:51 AM (10/3/23):
The Number 1 Thing Stopping You From Being Wealthy - YouTube
"Moments ago, I started thinking to myself... that theoretically, coming from a family of means (of being born with a 'silver spoon,' in your mouth)... ...typically, provides one with a 'higher vector (magnitude and direction)' in life... from one's childhood. Nevertheless, many variables refine one's trajectory in life... and money is not necessarily a guarantee, that one will be successful... in life... Money is correlated to success, but there is a distinction... given their respective affiliations..." - Michael Izuchukwu
If one starts thinking of oneself as wealthy, then he/she may be more equipped... to entertain matters, which take precedence... ...or those, which transcend... that, which is worldly (matters of the spirit, are usually obscured... by material infatuation)...
8:37 AM (10/3/23):
"I was just in Walgreens, and deliberating with '2' customers... for about '5' minutes, right after '8 AM'... ...regarding being overcharged, for mints (that I bought, yesterday)... The bag said 2 for $4, yet... I was charged $5.14.... ...just as had previously occurred, on 9/25/23... When I attempted to explain that this issue had formerly occurred, and was previously resolved... ...'they' told me to return later, to speak with the manager (after minutes, of being confused... about the issue). I was quite irritated by having to reiterate myself, as to the simplicity... of how the problem, could be resolved... and so I left (with intent, to return... later)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
SEE entry at 9:32 PM, on 9/25/23:
SEEING SIGNS (darkestangel153.blogspot.com)
NOTE #1:
Issues like this, make me impressionable... or quick to conclude, that such logistics... are characteristic, of people... with 'low I.Q.,' or those who come from disenfranchised backgrounds... and consequently, are statistically disadvantaged... in the 'intellectual arena'...
NOTE #2:
I like to think that I speak and read English, exceptionally well... ...and it's frustrating, when I am communicating in this language... and those who I am speaking with (presumably, native speakers), are perceived... to have 'low processing ability'...
10:33 PM (10/2/23):
Can we move in the 4th dimension? - YouTube
Interesting perspective, on the 4th spatial dimension reality...
10:41 AM (11/23/21): "The Earth is the 3rd closest
planet to our sun, and is one of 8... in our solar system (such has 195
countries, on 7 continents)... On such, there are many organisms... but human
beings, are at the top of the food chain... regarding Earth's 'Animal
Kingdom'... What distinguishes them from other animals, is the fact that they
were made in God's image... and have the ability to connect, to the Holy Spirit
(a human's link to God - Jesus Christ)... Without such, humans are
'sub-humans,' and may have proclivities of 'emotional apathy'... and
'intellectual ineptitude'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NASA Confirms Existence
of Hundreds of New Worlds Outside Our Solar System (msn.com)
6:46 PM (5/17/22):
(fish, green beans and rice... from 4:19 PM, today)
6:49 PM (5/17/22): "At 5:25 PM today, I headed to a McDonald's I had never been to before (to my recollection), in City of Orange, NJ..." - Michael Izuchukwu
6:53 PM (5/17/22):
(1 of 2 McChicken's that I acquired, as of 6:02 PM... today)
6:57 PM (5/17/22):
"I watched the following video, when I was at the Ramada hotel, of East Orange, NJ... 13 days ago... Gary Martin had an impressive mile time, and I suspected he would run faster than a 4-minute mile... in the near future..." - Michael Izuchukwu
6:59 PM (5/17/22):
"...which he eventually did, in a time of 3:57:98..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:14 PM (5/17/22):
"Incredible article about Johanna Mazibuko, who is the oldest woman on Earth... having just turned 128. I can only surmise, that many variables account for one's longevity in this world... in the context of nature (biology) and nurture (environment)... One of the foremost of them, in significance... is willpower..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:37 PM (5/17/22): "In the context of this article, about '1' exoplanet (planet outside our solar system) having recently been discovered... outside our Milky Way galaxy... I recently hypothesized, that there could have been a few more, that were subject to classification. Perhaps as many as '5,' which seemed reasonable... because if there were in fact 'more' than one... '2' would mean that 50% of the discovered exoplanets, were 'given away'... in a sense, before thorough analysis..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:40 PM (5/17/22):
"...the aforementioned paragraph, leads me to think... that this line of thinking, is analogous for the announcements... of the 'oldest person' on the planet..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:49 PM (5/17/22): "I wonder if the person in the prior video, is in fact 163 years old... as some accounts, have claimed... There is a difference between biological and chronological age. The former deals with how one old may appear, externally... regarding his/her physiology... while the latter deals with one's time, on Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:56 PM (5/17/22):
"A juxtaposition, of the aforementioned centenarians..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Johanna Mazibuko (world's oldest woman, at age 128)
Luang Pho Yai
Former hypothesis: He is arguably 163 years old
5:40 PM (5/18/22):
"I was placed with a client, who I was intended to begin working with... as of tomorrow (for my present job as a behavioral contractor, regarding those afflicted by autism spectrum disorder)... Nevertheless, such did not seem like a fiscally viable opportunity... in the context of the commuting distance, the fare and the requested hours..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:49 PM (5/18/22):
"I am reminded of this day (5/8/20), when I was posing in the parking lot... of my former apartment complex, 2 years and 10 days ago. Sometimes, I think having one's own car... makes things easier, when getting to and from places... but many variables account for such.
5:53 PM (5/18/22):
"From March 2019 to July 2020 (16 months), I was in a state of 'perpetual vagrancy'... in the aftermath of a lawsuit victory, against my mom... for assisting my middle brother, JJ, in financially extorting me.... so that he could pay off people he had been indebted to, for paraphernalia usage... An incident he had with law enforcement, in 2016, surely was an indication that an act of recidivism... was possible..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:58 PM (5/18/22):
"There is a difference between right and wrong, and having a moral framework... helps to make that distinction, given such is rooted in spirituality, and civil relationships... among human beings... Emotional apathy and moral depravity, are inexcusable..." - Michael Izuchukwu
7:43 AM (5/18/22):
Interesting video, regarding the star of the movie 'Space Jam'... Humans would have to unite as a species (Homo Sapiens), in order to thwart a 'potential' extraterrestrial invasion... assuming there are those in the cosmos, who have the means... to traverse the vacuum of space, and visit our world.
(a geographic map, of Earth... our planet)
"I have entertained the notion, that due to the link between missile capabilities and a country's civilizational development... the 'space race' of the past, is metaphorical for when certain countries... seek to equip themselves, with weaponry... typically, for self-defense... Nuclear deterrence is necessary, for the preservation of the human species... given that as time passes, technology advances... increasing the odds, that use of 'massively destructive' weapons... could result in a 'domino effect'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
9:00 PM (5/29/22):
“I am the vine, and you are the branches... If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing...” - John 15:5
"When I think about Jesus Christ's message (embedded with the Holy Spirit)... it's indisputable that such is the foundation... of genuine morality/ethics, given His sayings... have a mathematical bent, which likely refined the logic/reasoning abilities... of His fellow brethren, 2,000 years ago... or so..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1:04 PM (6/3/22):
(a bowl of tuna and corn, from 11:52 AM... today)
"Albert Einstein was notable, for attesting that time is relative to the observer... travel into the future, is possible... but into the past, is likely improbable... Across the world, there are varying levels of understanding... of the implications of time travel, in the scientific community..." - Michael Izuchukwu
1:59 PM (6/3/22):
"What do you know about time travel, P.O.D.S.?" - Albert Einstein
"Not much, Albert... just that we are in its flow, and there may be different timelines..." - Michael Izuchukwu (Prince of Darkness)
2:04 PM (6/3/22):
5:15 PM (6/3/22):
"It was just moments ago, that an idea occurred to me... such was that given that Jesus Christ lived around 0 A.D. (2,022 years ago, or so), environmental conditions and stimuli... likely contrasted significantly, than present day... Such variables, in tandem with the fact that Jesus was born via the Immaculate Conception (by the Virgin Mary Magdalene)... may have been a catalyst ('accelerant') for His ability... to amass the spiritual fortification necessary, to perform several miracles... and ultimately, ascend to heaven (via an 'unintended pathway')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
('the Shroud of Turin,' which was used to cover Jesus Christ... in the aftermath, of His Crucifixion)
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